Monday, December 15, 2014

Technology and Education

A Vision
By John Nelson

As a student currently enrolled in a Master’s of Education Program at Southern New Hampshire University, I find it necessary, to discuss the entirety of the educational field.  Doing so requires me to transcend the events and needs of classrooms and to focus on the acquisition of all knowledge in any form.   While many students of education focus on becoming a teacher of students, I am seeking to become an enabler of knowledge and a promoter of education.  It is for these reasons that I view technology as an alternative, not just adjunct, to conventional education.   But I am an equal opportunity enabler, and I believe in the promotion of education across all learning environments.  So I will focus in and out of the classroom, locally and globally.   If I had to focus on what has most drastically shaped my education, it would not be a teacher, but a technology.  The printing press and the hypertext transfer protocol, have granted me access to more information than I could ever process.  It is because of these technologies and many more that the education continues, and why I focus on technology here.

Technology, in a modern sense is often though of as, computers and the Internet.  But technology is so much more.   Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.  So when asking myself, what is my vision of technology in regards to education, I struggle.  It is hard to not to find myself thinking only in terms of the Internet.  But if I try to think of an older technologies and how they have shaped education, I discover that it is not all that difficult to do.  Take for example the internal combustion engine.  How has the engine improved education?  Well, it has allowed thousands of buses to transport millions of children to and from school.  Certainly buses have enabled education.  Let’s go even further back.  How about the invention of quarrying?  Well, if people never quarried anything, all the limestone would have remained in the ground.  So what, you say?   Without limestone there would have been no chalk.  Please tell me that you have not forgotten what chalk was used for in a classroom?  Anyways, the point I wish to make is that I think technology is much more then electronics and the Internet, and that educators should not focus only on the obvious.  But, as you will see in the following paragraphs, I myself am not very good at following my own advice.  There is just too much cool stuff to do with electronics and the Web

So if chalk and engines were technological enablers of knowledge in the past, what are some current and future enablers?  Amongst the leaders, I think, is Google.  Most notable for their search engine, which allows users easy access to near infinite information, Google also has collaboration tools such as Google Drive.  While already a leader of learning enabling, Google may become unequaled with the establishment of Loon.   If you have not heard of it, check it out!  Other great enablers are smart phones and 4G networks, which have provided people the ability to access the world’s information nearly anywhere.  With the Web in our pockets and the ability to SkypeFacebook, or Tweet, education is no longer about if someone can be educated, but rather why they are or aren’t being educated.

While technology is amazing at facilitating learning, I believe that humans’ social nature also plays a significant part.  Whether it is the desire to be accepted, to share, to trade, to help, or any other reason, people are driven by their own and other peoples standards.  These standards include possessing intelligence, acting rationally and acting morally.   How can technology hold people to these standards?  Online, there are endless communities of people searching for meaning and understanding, and justice.  These communities hold others to the standards above, to include the standard of learning.  While not necessarily applicable to a classroom, there is endless knowledge that can be drawn from passionate fringe groups in society, such as FeministsVoluntaryistTranshuminist, etc.  They are really not hard to find at all.  Who knows, maybe you will be drawn to one of their causes and inflicted the endless pursuit of knowledge. 

Have I made it clear how great the web is for enabling knowledge?  Not yet?  Well, the Web is a wonderful place to learn about hobbies, or practical skills. Check out the forums for gardeninghome repair, and video games.  How about, for the self-motivated learner, does the Web have platforms for that?  A surfer can find primary sources, studies, and empirical data on Digital librariesJSTOR, and Google Scholar, Unless you are a Ph. D student, a scientist, or pushing the realm of human understanding to new heights in some other fashion, all of your answers can likely be solved on the Web.

I wish to share with you my vision of education in the not to distant future.  I believe that there is a growing hesitation in the “traditional” schooling methods.  I believe that charter schools, private schools, and online schools are currently demonstrating that the human mind can learn in a million different ways.  I believe that in addition to more of the aforementioned types of schools, there will be a growth in organized Homeschooling, and Unschooling groups.  I also see great potential for concept schools to be funded not by their local communities, but by charitable supporters globally.  How?  Thanks to crowd funding sites like KickStarter, and GoFundMe, any idea can become a reality.  I would like to see crazy new school concepts be funded this way.

Next, I am going to discuss my ideas a new and exciting technology.   What is it?  It is the Blockchain technology.  Unfortunately, it is so complex that I do not have the time to explain it to you here.  If you look it up, do not get wrapped up entirely in its cryptocurrency capabilities.  What is important to understand about the Blockchain is that it is a secure network ledger for recording transactions that cannot be corrupted.  Furthermore, people are not required to initiate the transactions.  The absence of people will greatly limit transactional cost, which will immediately benefit all businesses.  Imagine a school that does not require as many bureaucrats who siphon off funds that should be reaching students.  Imagine if teachers, professors and institutions could publish grades, degrees, credits, and diplomas on the Blockchain’s secure ledger.  This could reduce the cost of administration.  It would make managing all those files unnecessary, because the student could individually hold the key to all their educational records.  Imagine scholarships being monitored and distributed on the Blockchain.  If a student obtains the proper grades, funding could flow uninterrupted.  If the student fails, funding could be cut off automatically.  Imagine using the Blockchain and Bitcoin for incentivizing students.  Along with grades, or maybe instead of grades, students could receive a cryptocurrency that could be redeemable for rewards.  Rewards such as, a toy for an elementary student, social time for a seventh and eighth grade student, or “points” on a transcript for applying to colleges, for high school students.  Bitcoin already has a thriving charitable community, imagine people donating directly to a poor students electronic wallet, for no transaction fee, and with the stipulation that their donation be used at a store for school supplies.  These are just a few of the advancements to education that the Blockchain can enable, there are likely many more.  Can you think of how the Blockchain may assist education?

In this vision we discussed how technology of the past, present, and future has and will continue to shape education.  I believe that I have demonstrated that it is not always the obvious technologies that benefit education.  Technological advancements in quarrying allowed teachers to write on boards in the front of the classroom.  I think a technology invented for cryptocurrencies, will allow a future of education that is currently unpredictable.  As humanity continues to advance, I believe it is the task of a good educator to search for the unique technologies that will help teach, or enable learning.  I am excited to continue my search.

I would like to know what technologies you are looking keeping an eye on?  Which ones that you think will advance education in and out of the classroom?  Please share. 

All sources used in the drafting of this document are hyperlinked within the text for your convenience.  

Friday, December 12, 2014

Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Leaning

Friday, December 12, 2014

Literature Review, Week #4

Since enrolling in school again after a 4-year hiatus, things have changed.  Gone are the days of simple word processing and email.  In, is a time of more tools then I have the mental capacity to remember.   Furthermore, these tools are used to communicate not only with teachers, but fellow students as well.  I believe, that it is not the tools themselves which are important, but the capabilities that they provide.  This belief leaves me with the question, how can I better assess a tool’s capability?  The article “Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Leaning”, by Stefan Hrastinski gives insight into a corner of this dilemma. 

In e-learning there are two forms of interactions that can be had via the Web; synchronous and asynchronous.   According to Stefan, asynchronous e learning does not require participants to be active at the same time.  In my Masters program this style allows for greater flexibility by fitting learning in between the crumbs of time that are left after work, class, relationships, and naps.  Some examples of asynchronous e-learning are e-mail, blogs, discussion boards, etc.  These are in contrast to synchronous e-learning tools.  Which are… You guessed it, in real-time.  Examples of these are instant messengers, videoconferences, and other active collaborative tools.  One of the major benefits with symmetrical learning is that it makes “e-learners feel like participants rather than isolates”, according to Stefan.  He continues to contrast synchronous from asynchronous by saying, “isolation can be overcome by more continued contact, particularly synchronously, and by becoming aware of themselves as members of a community rather than as isolated individuals communicating with the computer.”

Given the definition of the two terms, you may personally, find one more appealing then the other.  However, the article goes on explain that neither one, in absolute, enables learning better then the other.  But, Stefan does brake e-learning environments into three categories, content-related, planning of tasks, and social support and expresses how synchronous or asynchronous tools can be beneficial for each.  The remainder of the article is devoted to explaining why.  But instead of telling you what Stefan thinks, or even what I think, I want to know what you think

I am calling upon your higher order thinking.  When, where, how, with whom and why may synchronous learning be more beneficial than asynchronous, and vice versa?

Learning Outcomes

#1 - Demonstrate the understanding of how technologies can effectively promote student learning.

Technologies that require immediate social interaction can be used for collaboration, cooperation, planning, and can leverage peoples desire to be social in order to motivate participation.  Technologies that are not as socially demanding can allow for freedom of time and deeper levels of critical thinking.

#2 - Evaluate and use a variety of current technologies to enhance content instruction and to advance students' technological literacy.

Students can blog or e-mail less time concerned ideas, or ideas requiring deeper level of thought, or students could communicate instantly over Skype, IM, or phone.

#4 - Reflect upon and demonstrate effective use of digital tools and resources

From this article the comparison of e-learning to a standard learning environment is nonexistent.  However, I do believe that the synchronous and asynchronous dichotomy exists offline in everyday classrooms.  Just envision a reading assignment versus a class discussion.

#7 - Demonstrate an understanding of the use of adaptive technologies and other digital resources to personalize and differentiate learning activities for every student.

Students have different preferences of speed and style of learning.  Knowing whether a student is social, antisocial, and quick witted, slow to process, a deep thinker, busy, bored, or many more characteristics can better determine whether a student will respond better to a synchronous or asynchronous e-learning environment. 

#8 - Evaluate, adapt and reflect upon emerging tools and trends by participating in local and global learning communities and by reviewing current research and professional literature.


Hrastinski, Stefan. “Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Learning.” Educause Review. N.p., 17 Nov. 2008. Web 12 Dec. 2014


“Synchronous vs Asynchronous Communication and Why It Matters to You as a Doctor - IMedicalApps." IMedicalApps Synchronous vs Asynchronous Communication and Why It Matters to You as a Doctor Comments. N.p., 23 May 2012. Web. 12 Dec. 2014.

“M13: Communication Tools: Modern vs. Traditional.” Public Relations Writing. N.p., 11 Apr. 2012. Web 12 Dec 2014